Free website for educational institution. School website creation.

Hosting a website on the platform
The platform gives the educational institutions of Ukraine an opportunity to make a confident step forward by starting to use the modern service of electronic diaries and class registers.
If your school or gymnasium is already connected to the system (for example, hosted a site on the platform), then it is easy to start using the electronic service. The «help» section will help you with this.
If your school doesn't use the service yet, leave a request on the page
"Connect the school"

We offer free website hosting for educational institutions on our platform. This means that you don't need to develop the site yourself, it is already done by us. You just choose the name for your own site, we give you moderator access data and you only have to manage the content of the site through the administration panel. And we will take care of its efficiency ourselves.
We host sites on our platform for free.This means that you don't need to pay anything for appearing at your school modern by all standarts of the site. You don't buy obligations and don't lose anything by working with us.
You can read this article. Ensuring the quality and modernity of the product,apply for connection of your institution.
You can always contact with site developers, ask a question or make a proposal to improve the project and its new functionality. On the Contact page you will find a phone number, email address and a feedback form.
The platform is intended for institutions of general secondary education of Ukraine (secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, extracurricular institutions).The functionality of the site is focused on these EI.We don't host sites of museums; individual classes, teachers and subjects.
We don't host sites of non-Ukrainian educational institutions.The main functionality of the platform is electronic class registers and diaries
If you want to create an education website using our service, leave a request on the page "Connect the school"Main pointsОсновні моменти:
- In particular, the latest system of electronic diaries and class registers is integrated on the site. Any time your school is ready, you can start using it. You don't need any additional efforts (demo-version).
- The school website will be located on the third level subdomain of
- The site is located in the domain zone .info
- All information is on servers hosted on the territory of Ukraine.
- By default, the site has a typical design, which is constantly being improved. Some aspects of the appearance can be customized individually.
Site structure:
1- Link to the main page of the site
2- Site menu. It contains links to the most important sections of the site (news, help, etc.)
3- Website login form or authorized user block: of the site:
Website login form
4- School name and city. For example, "Secondary school №315" Kyiv city
5- The main menu of the school site. It includes a link to functional pages. The menu is configurated in the site administration panel, and by default includes the following items:
- Administration
- Teachers' lounge
- Classes
- Photoalbums
- News
- File archive
- Feedback
- Visit statistics
6- Additional site menu on each site is different. It is a list of home pages, amount,headings and content of which are determined by the school itself.
7- Content of the page.
8- The bottom part of the site with the most relevant links, address and phone numbers of the school, information about the developer.
Main page of the school website:
General information about the school:
- official name, type of PE
- locality, address
- phone numbers, e-mail
Unit, which contains basic information about the headmaster.
Information about the school. It contains information about the educational institution, a brief historical background, information about the current educational institution.
School news. This part displays the latest school news (names of news, their brief description with small pictures). As well as a link to all school news.
Photos. It displays severalphotos of the school here, randomly selected from all the photos of the school. Also links to all the photo albums of the school.
School wall. Communication. Another way of communication between students, teachers,headmaster and administration.
Visiting statistics:
At the moment, this section contains visit statistics in graphical form:

Teacher's room:

This section will contain general information about the teaching staff of the educational institution, about the socio-psychological service.
The top of the page contains general information about all teachers of the school, followed by the list of departments (for example, the Department of Social Sciences or the Department of Exact Sciences) with a description and list of teachers belonging to a particular department.
For each teacher there is the list which contains a photo, last name, first name and patronymic, links to a personal page, as well as the information about which class he is a class teacher.
Each teacher has a personal page, which contains the following information:
- surname, name and patronymic;
- photo;
- the list of subjects taught by the teacher with indication of where they are taught;
- additional information (text about the teacher);
- information block with phone number and number of class of which he is the class teacher;
- the teacher's lesson schedule;
- the list of class registers (for all subjects and classes he teaches);
- personal wall.
The structure of the class page is similar to the main page of the school.
The following information is placed on page of each class:
- main photo;
- informative article;
- block with additional information, including about the class teacher with a link to his page;
- list of students;
- timetable;
- list of class registers in all subjects;
- latest class news with a link to all news;
- several randomly selected photos with a link to all class photos;
- wall.
In the "Photo albums of the school" section there is a list of all albums of the educational institution with the names and number of photos in the album with a link to the album page. The photo album page contains the title, general description and list of photos of this album.
It is also possible to leave comments on each album for all site users.
Also, similar photo albums can be created for each class.
In school news section there is a list of all the news of educational institution (name, date of creation of news and a brief description) with links to the pages of the news itself.
The full content of the news is placed on the page of a separate news.
It is also possible to leave comments on each news to all users of the site.
Also, each class has its own news, which can be read on the class page.
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